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Jesus Way Fundamental Church was founded in 1977 by S. G. Jones and Meek Hamilton.  
They were driven by their intent to make a way for churches to have freedom to worship without any 
restraint as long as it adhered to the 
Word of God as it's basis.

The organization is recognized by the US Government as an Independent Church Organization. 
Bro. Jones then recognized a need to have an Evangelistic Team comprised of Holy Ghost filled 
believers that was not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.  Out of that need arose 
WORLDWIDE FAITH OUTREACH.   The name was inspired by a vision that the young Bro. Jones had concerning his ministry; a vision to reach the world.  Since that time, Bro. Jones and his wife Cathy 
have traveled the world and touched thousands of lives with the ministry that God has placed in their hearts. Bro. Jones has been to many countries that have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Many churches have been pioneered 
and local ministers trained
for Pastoral leadership in some of these 
countries. Bro. Jones' aspiration is simple;
To fulfill the call of God upon his life and 
Go Into All the World and Preach
the Gospel of Jesus Christ

This ministry is leading the way into
countries around the world with
miracles, signs and wonders.  Documented
healings are taking place wherever 
they go and people are amazed at
what God is doing.

There is no limit to what God can 
do; all you must do is believe.



Mexico, Italy, Nicaragua, England, Malaysia, India, Australia, Singapore, Canada...
El Salvador, Costa Rica, Africa, Hong Kong
and the list is growing........

Brother Jones would be interested in coming to your area with a
Healing Convention.  Please email for contact information.
Email Brother Jones



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